Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is a special day to many people. It is a day where you gift your friends, and crushes something special. You get together and have fun and enjoy your time together. This day is on february 14. In the US. it is the day of romance and love as well as friendship. This day was named after Saint Valentine. He wrote a letter to the daughter of the man who sentenced him to execution. He wrote a letter to the judge's daughter, and it said, "From your Valentine." There are some people that don't have a valentine(Me), and they spend this day alone. On Valentine's day a lot of couples will get together and do stuff together on this very special day. Valentine's day is supposed to be a good day for everybody unless you don't have a valentine(again, me), and it sucks. I feel that this day is very special because almost everybody is happy. I don't know what else to write, sorry.
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