"It's A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."

Coach Pam Knox

    A softball game was ongoing with the Western Oregon and the Central Washington teams. One of the Western Oregon's players got injured in her first home-run ever, her knee was messed up, when one of the Central Washington players, Mallory Holtman, noticed this, she asked if she could carry the injured player Sarah Tucholsky around so she could finish the run trough all bases. They did get permission, so Mallory Holtman and Liz Wallace carried Sarah Tucholsky to the home base.

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     This shows good character in what Mallory did because she did the right thing at the right time. She helped an injured athlete from the opposing team because she was injured and that is the right thing to do. Helping people is always the right thing to do. This proves good people are still out there.


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