Native American Commandements

The 10 Narive American Commandments

  1. Treat the earth and all that dwells therein with respect.
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
  6. Do what you know to be right.
  7. Look after the well-being of mind and body.
  8. Dedicate  a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
  10. Take full responibility for your actions.
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I think that these are great examples of good things to do because they all say to do the right thing n different ways. They all have the lesson to choose the right and not lie. They are meant for you to follow and be a good person. These commandments are a great example of things to do to be a good peson.


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